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Praise & Worship: You will be blessed and uplifted by the inspirational and soul stirring singing of our dynamic choirs as they lead us in adoration and thanksgiving to our Christ and Redeemer. Also, you will be blessed by the Praise Dance Ministry of our young people, as they use their artistic gifts to worship before the Lord.
| Arrival: Your visit to the Progressive New Hope Church promises to yield an exhilarating life-empowering experience. As you enter our campus, you'll be welcomed and greeted with a warm smile by worshipers who love and honor Christ.
| Gospel Message: You will be challenged and motivated by the practical life transforming, teaching and preaching of God's Word by Pastor Atkins. Prepare to receive new spiritual insights and revelations as he guides us through the timeless and sacred Scriptures making them relevant to our present life experiences. After the message, you will be given an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, as well as unite with our congregation, if you so choose.
| Intercession: At Progressive New Hope, please feel free to join us in prayer as we commune with God in a very solemn and sacred atmosphere. It is during this time we are invited and admonished to pray for the special concerns of friends and loved ones, as well as to cast our own cares upon the Lord in faith. We are convinced that the sincere and fervent prayers of the righteous avail much.
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| Biblical Enrichment: You are invited to study God's Word with us as we seek to grow spiritually and to develop into mature saints who are not only able to correctly communicate God's Word; but more importantly, apply it to our daily lives.
Giving: We believe that giving is our obedient response to God's plan for financing the ministry of the church. Your faithful financial gifts are primarily used to help defray church expenses, support Missions, and Mercy which provides local assistance to the poor and indigent. You may give your financial support to this ministry by check/cash using an offering envelope, electronically by swipping your debit/credit card through our Square Reader device, online through Givelify.com and by using the donations button on this website (PayPal). However you choose to give, we are encouraged to give regularly and generously.
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Ministry: You are welcomed to exercise your spiritual gifts by becoming involved with any of our church ministries that edify the body of Christ or serve our community at large. Every Christian has been endowed by the Holy Spirit with unique spiritual gifts and abilities that will benefit the local fellowship and the Kingdom of God at large.
Site Mailing List
Progressive New Hope Baptist Church
3106 Paige Street @ Elgin | Houston, TX 77004 | PH: (713) 523-6115
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 88225 Houston, TX 77288-0225
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Our Mission
How we impact our community and the world for Chirst |
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What We Believe
Find out the fundamentals of our faith |
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Our Journey
Why we are here and how we got here |
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Our Pastor
Learn More about Pastor L.L. Atkins, Sr. |
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Our Ministry
Meet the people who coordinate our ministries |
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